Monday, July 8, 2013

Fireworks and Parades

We had a blast at the local parade where my girl got to throw candy out to the crowd of people. The good part is since she threw it out we did not bring very much home from her collecting it. 

This is the most stressful holiday for farmers. In fact it is the only one that I know many farmers stay up all night to watch. With thousands of acres across Southwest Oklahoma in wheat stubble and add into the mix fireworks, it makes a dangerous combination. Between the city folks that have bought a house in the country or the towns people that just head to the country to pop fireworks we have many fires. Most seem to want to launch their fireworks from the middle of the road instead of their yard. Luckily this year the volunteer fire departments could put them out without it being large fires. 

This stays hooked up in the front yard in case we need a fire break on some one else's fields. Ours have one just in case.
We sat on the back of out truck on the Fourth to watch fireworks being shot all around us at the farm. It was pretty. Except for one fire on a farm a few miles from us, we did not see any disasters.  Friday we did shoot firecrackers too. We try to plan a little bit, though. We brought the mother tank full of water and shot them over the pond. So what did fall to earth would hit the pond and not the dead grass. 

I may sound like I am on my soap box but I have seen hundreds of acres burned and hay that was suppose to last all winter gone just from someone not planning or paying attention. 

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