Thursday, July 11, 2013

Painting in the Heat

The old saying about frying an egg right now is becoming true. Would you like one scrambled or over medium? 

Since it is so hot, I have spent the day painting in the house. 
Starting out I just used aquafix and masking fluid to set up my drawing. I mix Madder Brown with ultramarine blue to make my line work pop. 
 Here you can see how I have started working with purple to make my dark areas. I I am a person that has always worked from dark to light. You can also see how I have my nook set up to keep me on pace with colors and value.
 I dropped in a background color of greens, blues and Naples yellow just to set the foreground from the background. I just wet the whole background and drop colors into it. 
 I worked up the under layer of yellows and oranges in this butterfly. I also add payne's gray to the dark areas. The purple still comes through but it add a great colors. I soften the edges to help blend the colors.
 I add some depth by adding leaves. This gives multiple layers. Also I added the cerium blue to the tips of the wings.
 Working to add in the thin layer of yellow to add glaze in the butterfly and I added ultramarine blue to deepen the floral area. I also took a cotton swab that was lightly damp and pulled out some highlights in the wings.
 Here is the image before I cleaned up the edges. I also decide to lighten my name. 
This goes on auction tonight on eBay. Good luck.

But let all who take refuge in you be glad; let them ever sing for joy. Spread your protection over them, that those who love your name may rejoice in you. Psalms 5:11

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