Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Hay stacking and Painting a Model T

Well hay is bailed and plowing begins but that means time is not slowing down. The hay must be stacked and counted and the fence built around the new hay stacks. My daughter loves to run the bails when we can. She is about two rows away from my husband stacking them. With all this going on I did sneak a painting into the middle of life.
Of course you know me I start with my aquafix and my mask and lay my painting out. 

This has a few steps in here. I added the rust red and used a dark umber for the shadows in the car. I used a non transparent color for the glaze this time. Since I did that I thinned it down a WHOLE lot. I also painted ultramarine for the dark areas. It gives a richer color than just Payne's Gray.

I added my glaze of Payne's Gray and a light color in the background. Also a little in the shine of the chrome.
I know this is a big jump but I painted without having a camera around. Rule to learn. 
Value rule. 1. Air is lightest. 2. flat areas are 2nd lightest. 3. Slanted areas are third value. While your vertical areas have the darker values in them.

Praise God in his sanctuary;
    praise him in his mighty heavens.
 Praise him for his acts of power;
    praise him for his surpassing greatness.
Psalms 150:1-2

Monday, August 19, 2013

Drawing out a Model T

 I just thought you would like a glimpse into the good times of farming. Well maybe not good times but precious for sure. This little boy is having trouble getting milk so we have him and his cow up to help them along. This is a cousin and my little girl feeding him a bottle. Hopefully the cow will be able to nurse him soon.

Well back to the drawing board. I like to work up two sketches at a time. It keeps me motivated and I feel comfortable with the idea of having the what next question answered. Also when I mix up aquafix I can paint both at once. I also mask them on the same time to. Less clean up.
 The model T is my first to be completed. I like the layout and the aquafix done. I will show you as it develops.

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God Bless.

Friday, August 9, 2013

Working on Landscapes

Hay has keep us going til all times of the day. My husband has broke almost all the belts on the baler and lots of other parts. This has been a rough hay season. Since it has he has asked me to cut hay with a pull behind swather. No problem; until I ran the swather into the back of his flat bed truck. Oops! Well am I fired? NO I just get to practice more.

Since I have been in the field this week I have not got anything on eBay and time is than normal. So I have started worked on a few small landscapes. These are 5 X 7 and in progress.

On this first one, I am not done, but I worked wet into wet. I started by using clean water and just washing the whole sky in it. Then I started adding my dark colors all while the paint was wet. Last I added my warm colors in the same way. I need to add the land and may be a few highlights but it is mostly done.

On the next painting I did it much different. I started with the lighter colors. The yellow and oranges were added first.

Using the same color I outlined the lower cloud.

While that dried I wet the farthest area in my picture and laid a LIGHT wash of purple at top and orange at bottom.

 Then I worked on the clouds with ultramarine blue and purple. Trying to stay away from my wet warm colors I worked around everything.

With that to wet I went to my 3rd painting and add the sky. Wetting the paper I added a cerulean blue, purple and Payne's gray. My goal was to leave a little white to imply clouds.

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