Monday, January 27, 2014

Painting the Retired Massey


Doesn't Woody look like he has his hands full.  While I let the cows out of the catch pin where the guys sorted calves off, Old Hereford sneaked up on my girl playing with Woody. The old cow is gentle and my daughter seeing her coming decided to get in the middle of the truck bed where the cows could not reach her.

After working cattle all day I waited til the next morning to get started. I drew out my drawing in pencil and then used a permanent pen to ink it in. 

Next I added yellow ocher and some green into the engine area. Since the Massey is rusted the green will help to make nice gray areas. A little blue for the sky allow me to define the background while I was waiting for everything to dry.
I started adding purple into my painting for the deep shadows this helps to give that great deep area that does not look flat.  I will show you the rest of the work later this week. 

Click Here if you would like to see some of my other painting step by step.